Bilingual and Bicultural Home Visitation Program
Our Signature Program In Improving Family Functioning
Home Visitation
Home Visitation is a service delivery strategy to provide support for parents to better understand their child’s development skills through daily home activities. Home Visitation is recognized as a cost-effective means of promoting infant and child health, preventing maltreatment, and improving family functioning.
These services are provided by bilingual and bicultural staff to support pregnant moms and new parents to promote infant and child health, foster educational development and school readiness, and help prevent child abuse and neglect.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
SafeStart is a collaborative of four Family Resource Centers. SafeStart’s mission is to reduce the impact and incidence of childhood violence exposure. We provide case management service to families with at least one child aged 6 or under who has directly or indirectly experienced domestic and/or community violence. We also provide parenting class using the ACT curriculum and a parent-child interactive group to learn skills to become a Superhero.
APA hosts a collaborative multilingual hotline service available in seven different languages and dialects. This API Parental Stress Line is free and geared towards those who have language barriers. The telephone number is (415) 642-6850.
Often monolingual API parents do not know where to turn to for help. Through our hotline, they receive information and referral services as well as a lending ear. Our hotline workers are trained to listen and to offer appropriate emotional support.
The API Parental Stress Line is available in the following languages and hosted by the following organizations that are partners of our Asian Pacific Islander Family Resources Network (APIFRN):
Cantonese/Mandarin - APA Family Support Services
Cambodian - Cambodian Community Development, Inc.
Vietnamese - Vietnamese Family Services
Samoan - Samoan Community Development Center
Tagalog - Pilipino Senior Resource Center
Laotian - Lao Seri Association
EV provides a comfortable, safe, and welcoming space for parent(s) to visit their child(ren) who has been removed from their care and is involved in the child welfare system. The Visitation Supervisor makes sure the parent is interacting appropriately with the child and provides guidance/coaching when needed.
We receive referrals from community-based organizations, school social workers, medical social workers, self-referred, etc. APA case manager staff will provide services for families with needs such as family functioning/relationships, parenting, health, mental health, intergenerational communication problems, etc. Case managers provide the resources to teach families the skills to improve family functioning.