APAFSS Children’s

Art Contest 2025

AAPI Festivals: Celebrating Together

This Art Contest is Bay Area-wide and we expect participants from all backgrounds with ages from 4 to 16. Each year we select a different topic to engage the community in learning about AAPI cultural heritage.

This year our theme is "AAPI Festivals: Celebrating Together," inviting participants to create artworks that depict specific festivals, highlighting the traditions, foods, and celebrations unique to each. Embracing the rich traditions of AAPI heritage, the contest encourages participants to reimagine and celebrate the fusion of traditional festivals that capture the essence of the AAPI heritage.

We will provide art supplies to underprivileged families and assist them in learning about the cultural sites through site visit and virtual learning resources.

Award winners artwork will become part of the San Francisco Portsmouth Square Garage public exhibition for 2 months.

We would like to give special thanks to our co-organizer Happy Picasso Art Studio who is coordinating the contest arrangement.

Rules 參賽規則

    1. Each contestant may submit only ONE piece of artwork.

    2. Submit all artwork along with the entry form on or before Monday, April 14, 2025 at 11:59pm.

    3. Artwork must be an original design drawn solely by children/youth between the ages of 4 and 16 years of age and cannot have been previously published, won prior awards, exhibited, or displayed publicly (i.e., disclosed beyond the children/youth’s immediate circle of friends and family) through any means.

    4. Artwork must be drawn entirely and completed by hand using crayons, color pencils, ink pens, markers, watercolor, acrylic paint, or oil paint. No digital tools on the computer are allowed.

    5. Artwork must be 11” x 14” only, not bigger or smaller.

    6. We reserve the right to use submitted artwork in printed materials for promotional purposes.

    7. All artwork is considered the property of APA Family Support Services. Please keep your original artwork until further notice.

    1. 每位參賽者只能提交一份藝術繪畫創作作品,並以最後提交的作品為準,不得在成功提交及上載作品後更換參賽作品。
    2. 參賽者必須於 2025 年 4 月14 日(星期一)晚上 11:59 或之前提交作品及報名表。
    3. 參賽作品必須是 4 至 16 歲參賽者繪製的原創設計,並且未曾以任何形式發表、獲獎、展覽或公開展示(但不包括曾直接展示予朋友或家人的作品),參賽者應保證提交的參賽作品不會侵犯他人的合法權利。
    4. 參賽藝術繪畫創作作品必須未經任何數碼、繪圖或圖像軟件處理。參賽者可採用蠟筆、彩色鉛筆、墨水筆、記號筆、水彩、丙烯顏料或油畫顏料等工具手工完成參實作品。

    5. 藝術繪畫創作作品紙張尺寸必須是 11”X 14”。

    6. 我們有權使用參賽作品用於宣傳物品以作宣傳用途。 所有參賽作品均視為亞裔家援服務處的產權。

    7. 請保留您的繪畫創作原創作品,直至另行通知。

    • Submission -  March 7 to April 14, 2025 (11:59pm) 所有作品須於2025年3月7日至4 月14日內提交(11:59pm)。

    • Award Announcement - May 2025 得獎名單將於2025年5月公布。

    • Winner’s Artwork Submission - in two weeks after receiving the notice 得獎者須於接獲得獎通知兩星期內提交創作作品。

    • Award Ceremony -  Sunday, June 1, 2025 頒獎禮將於2025年6月1日(星期日)舉行。

  • This drawing contest is open to contestants meeting the following criteria參賽者必須符合以下條件:

    • Bay Area residents only灣區居民

    • At least 4 years of age and no more than 16 years of age on January 1, 2025, are eligible於2025年1月1日至少4歲至16歲

    • Group A: 4 to 7 years old; Group B: 8 to 11 years old; Group C: 12 to 16 years old

    The winners in each group will be awarded the following prizes:

    1st place for a $200 gift card; 2nd place for a $100 gift card; 3rd place for a $50 gift card; Ten merit awards for $15 gift card each and one overall champion for a $300 gift card.

    組別1: 4 至 7歲之間
    組別2︰ 8 至11歲之間
    第一名 200 美元禮物卡



    總冠軍 300 美元禮物卡


  • Winners will be announced by early May 2025, on the website and contacted by us. 得獎者將於五月上旬接獲通知。

    All winners MUST submit their original artwork in two weeks after receiving the winning notice, details of the Award Ceremony will be announced directly to the winners. 所有得獎者必須在接獲得獎通知兩星期內提交得獎作品。本處會直接聯絡得獎者有關頒獎典禮的安排。

    Please note all submitted artwork will not be returned. 所有提交的得獎作品不會予以歸還。